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Bricks and Markers - Waterside Landing


Orders will be placed in Town Point Park within 60 days after receipt of your order. 

Bricks and Markers - Waterside Landing $150 - $5,000

Waterside Landing is one of two primary entry points to Town Point Park and is adjacent to the Waterside Festival Marketplace, Otter Berth and the Waterside Marina. This site features a new interactive fountain for public enjoyment during events and non event times.
The areas surrounding the fountain plaza  accommodates more intimate scale concerts and performances, exhibits and shows, open air tasting events, ceremonies and other commemorative events.
Attractive landscaping, pathways and park seating accommodates casual enjoyment on a daily basis while enjoying the ever-changing waterfront views. Outdoor café style umbrellas bistro tables are available in appropriate weather for the public's enjoyment on a daily basis.

$150  4" x 8" INDIVIDUAL BRICK laid into the pathways and plazas.  3 lines of text; 18 characters per line; space and punctuations count as characters.

$300  8" x 8" FAMILY BRICK laid into the pathways and plazas. 6 lines of text; 18 characters per line; space and punctuations count as characters.

$5,000 24"x 24" COMPANY/GROUP MARKER laid into the pathways and plazas. Logos and text engraving will be custom designed with the sponsor included in the cost of the contribution.

Ordering is Easy!

You may use a variety of characters and punctuation marks when personalizing your bricks, including: capital letters (A-Z); numerals(0-9); Roman Numerals (III, V, X, etc.) ampersand (&); star (*); period (.); comma (,); apostrophe ('); quotation marks ("); dash or hyphen (-); parentheses (); plus sign (+); forward slash (/); exclamation point (!); question mark (?); colon (:); and heart (♥) See Message Regulations and Guidelines for Instructions.


Credit Cards are not processed on this site, you will be mailed a seperate invoice for your purchase

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Click Here for Message Regulations and Guidelines



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